- Heute Abend Vollmondmeditation um 20:00Uhr
- Welcome im Februar! Vollmond naht 🌝
- Transformationsabend um 19:00Uhr in Ahrensburg bei Hamburg
- Vollmondmediation für deine Wünsche, heute um 20:00Uhr
- Los geht's im neuen Jahr!
- Neujahrspost
- Christmas mail
- Happy Santa Claus!
- Christmas time and soul whispering on Saturday 18:30h
- Full moon meditation on Friday at 20:00🌃
- Mirror, mirror...........?
- Time to rest and gather strength 🍂
- Ready to embark on your innermost journey? 👼
- Autumn brings an upswing - for you too? 👼
- Spontaneous healing mediation tomorrow at 19:30 💞
- Are you coming on Friday? 💞
- Be aware that you create your life 🕊
- Will you be there on Friday in person or online?
- Welcome August! ❤️
- Full moon time - you are cordially invited to recharge your batteries!
- Wasn't it just Christmas yesterday? 👼
- Are you coming? 👼
- Online healing evening next Friday March 15, 24 👼
- Let your innermost strength blossom 👼
- Shamans and healers - do you know the difference?
- Tonight is transformation evening with Julia❤️
- Have you been able to achieve a lot for yourself recently? ❤️
- The heart knows the way - Workshop Wednesday Abend❤️
- New dates ❤️
- Small reminder 20:00 Healing mediation ❤️
- Welcome to the year 2024 ❤️
- A little help for your pet before Sylvester❤️
- The last long newsletter of the year 💝👼🎄
- For the spontaneous Themed evening & healing mediation 👼💝🕊
- Winter solstice & Raunächte winter special 🕊💝🕊
- Something new and corrections for St. Nicholas 👼🎄❤️
- Have a wonderful Advent season with winter specials👼🎄❤️
- Could it go into higher consciousness?
- 18:00 Full moon meditation today via Zoom
- Moving journeys and life paths 🕊
- Camouflage formation evening next Friday - reminder email 🕊
- Seminars on the horizon 🕊
- Family news 🕊
- The color spectrum of life works with us 🕊
- What does it really take to shine in life?
- Tomorrow is transformation evening with Julia 🕊
- Sort and rearrange yourself - live love 🕊
- Sort and rearrange yourself - live love 🕊
- Live love 🕊
- Silence brings clarity and a high level of awareness
- September has it all!
- Additional dates and news
- There is a lot to experience!
- Soul injuries: What can we do to help?
- Happy Whitsun!
- Light your light for yourself and the world.
- Love heals all wounds!
- Love heals all wounds!
- The heart knows the way
- The heart knows the way
- Reminder: the information evening takes place today!
- Reminder: the information evening takes place today!
- New events and dates in September!
- Newsletter | 09